Studies on the effect of different levels of N.P.K. Fertilizer and methods of sowing on the growth and yield of seed of fenugreek (Trigonella corniculata L. ) kasuri
Kushwaha,Jagpal Singh
Studies on the effect of different levels of N.P.K. Fertilizer and methods of sowing on the growth and yield of seed of fenugreek (Trigonella corniculata L. ) kasuri - Jabalpur Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwavidyalaya Jabalpur 1989 - 103 pg.
635 KUS-S
Studies on the effect of different levels of N.P.K. Fertilizer and methods of sowing on the growth and yield of seed of fenugreek (Trigonella corniculata L. ) kasuri - Jabalpur Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwavidyalaya Jabalpur 1989 - 103 pg.
635 KUS-S