Impact of long term nutrient management practices on properties and organic carbon fraction of a vertisol under soybean wheat cropping system in central India
Singh, Vivek
Impact of long term nutrient management practices on properties and organic carbon fraction of a vertisol under soybean wheat cropping system in central India - Jabalpur Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya 2023 - 217
Ph.D. ( Soil Science)
Soil Science
631.4 SIN-I
Impact of long term nutrient management practices on properties and organic carbon fraction of a vertisol under soybean wheat cropping system in central India - Jabalpur Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya 2023 - 217
Ph.D. ( Soil Science)
Soil Science
631.4 SIN-I